Personal Training
Personal sport coaching

Coaching is a concept which has come to us from the United States, where, for over ten years, a personal trainer has been the way to optimize sports development and as a further source of motivation.

This concept is not limited to sports, it also includes various other fields such as teaching and dietary advice, as you can see on the page dietary advice, to mention only these two, which will put you in the best possible shape and allow you to bask literally in the concept of sports-based well-being.

Gregory’s objective is to make you progress fast and efficiently without risk, offering you a programme taking into account your age, motivation level, objectives, needs and desires, time available and where you want to carry out your programme – at home, work, outdoors, gym, etc.

He adapts himself completely to you and is here to guide, caution, advise and motivate you. Gregory and his team have a role in motivating you, achieving and maintaining a high level of motivation with every client, to accelerate progress, contributing to the development of your physical and mental qualities, and encouraging you by listening to you and advising you by building a relationship based on trust and mutual respect. Motivated by his passion for sports your coach is always looking for ways to see you satisfied with yourself and feeling well in body and soul. He will be open to every request and every question and will aim to reply as rapidly and exactly as possible.

Renforcement et gain de masse musculaire
Tonification des abdominaux, lombaires et fessiers
Préparation physique / technique à diverses disciplines
Self-defense / Arts Martiaux Natation & Aquagym

These activities can take place

- at home
- at your workplace
- in your hotel
- outdoors
- at a gym

In Paris and environs
Lyon and area (Grenoble, Valence, Saint Etienne, Mâcon, etc)
between Marseille and Aix-en-Provence

Open hours:0700-2300, 24/7

Whether you are young or less young, male or female, beginner or experienced, Gregory and his team will be have the right programme and the winning combination of activities outlined here to respond in the best possible way to your expectations and the use of your time.
Anyone looking for sports, health and well-being combined will be delighted because Gregory is one of the few sports coaches able to offer personal sports training of this quality in France.

How are we different?

- The mental attitude that goes with our offers.
Our competitive spirit aims to take care of and respect your pace and search for new experiences of fitness and energy. We go beyond the purely technical so as to enter the concept of well-being.

- The creativity of our products. We aim to find fitness and balance through an original method.

- The safety and professionalism of our courses. We are insured to cover your personal trainer and yourself, we have the necessary technical diplomas – state licence, STAPS licence and First Aid (AFPS).

- Effective logistics and close follow-up. We can respond to a change of timetable with 48 hours notice.